See the world through my eyes

edwin muller photography

” There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer. “

= Ansel Adams =

Rotterdam based photographer

Edwin Muller

Hi, my name is Edwin Muller. I am a photographer from the Rotterdam area (Netherlands). I have been interested in photography from a young age. After a few compact models I was able to afford my first serious camera when I was in my twenties.

I don’t specialise in one thing, but I work in different fields of photography. One of the reasons for this, is that I enjoy what I do. I just couldn’t imagine constraining myself to a single discipline. It also helps me develop as a photographer. Besides that, the variation keeps me motivated.

Off course there are areas that I am drawn to more then others. My main focus is on landscape, urban and architecture photography. Rotterdam, being my home town, is a location I use a lot.

One of the things I love in urban environments, is streetart. Everywhere I go, I go in search of murals and other works of beauty in the streets. I hunt for artworks, taking photographs and researching the background. This also led to me becoming a contributor to Street Art Cities, the worlds leading Street Art platform. 

Street photography is a means for me to unwind. It’s a lot of fun to hunt for  a nice scene to capture and there is a certain thrill to taking someones picture without asking and sometimes even without them knowing.

Some of my works are available for purchase in the shop, for you to enjoy in your own home or place of bussines. If you are interested in custom work, please contact me for information.

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